If you are looking for coverage of an upcoming special event, recreational event or sports club/facility or for yourself as a coach or trainer, we can help find insurance solutions to meet your needs. Tell us a little bit about what you need and we will shop our markets to find the best coverage at that best price.
Amateur Sports & Recreation
Sports camps & clinics,
Provincial sports associations
Short-term Sporting Events
Sport training facilities
School Boards,
Multi-Sport Clubs
Theatre and Performing Arts Centres
Health & Fitness Professionals
Yoga Instructors
Personal Trainers
Outfitters and Guides
Theatre and Performing Arts Centres
We have special Events coverage for all types of events including:
Public Events as well as Invitation only Events
Liquor Liability
Exhibitor/Booth/Kiosk Liability
Coverage for Event Planners
These are just a sampling of the range of insurance solutions we can offer. Call us at 416-489-5570 or 1-800-953-0999 or email conactus@millsinsurancebrokers.ca to discuss how we can help.
How can we help?
Contact us—we are happy to answer any questions or help you access and use your Mills Brokers Client Portal.
Tollfree: 800-953-0999
Phone: 416-489-5570
Email: contactus@millsinsurancebrokers.ca