A wide range of auto insurance options
Personal & business automobile insurance policies, Classic Cars & Trucks, Motorcycles, ATV’s and Snowmobiles
Purchasing auto insurance doesn’t need to be complicated but you do need to ensure that you have the right coverage. Our professional and experienced brokers can help by understanding how you use your vehicle and ensuring you have the right coverage to fit your needs. As independent brokers we offer choice by working with different insurance partners and advocacy in the event of a claim.
We can also help customize coverage that is right for you
Things to consider when purchasing auto insurance include:
Do you have enough liability coverage?
Should you purchase optional accident benefits?
Do you have coverage for a rental in the event of a claim?
Do you have coverage that protects your driving record in the event of an at-fault collision?
Are you using your vehicle for business? Car pooling? Driving others for compensation? (i.e. UBER). These activities change the type of coverage or insurance policy that you require.
Do you want to be rewarded for safe driving? Do you want a premium that is tailored to your unique driving habits? If you are comfortable using a mobile app that monitors your driving behaviour, we work with companies who will reward your good driving habits by discounting your premium by up to 25%!
Let us help find you the right coverage at the right price to you ensure you are properly protected.
Insurance Alert: Save on your car insurance!
We offer car insurance that adapts to how you drive
Our partner Intact Insurance has developed my Drive™. We can help you save on your car insurance* with a program tailored to you and your driving.
my Drive™ not only rewards your safe driving habits, it also gives you feedback directly on the Intact Insurance App so that you can drive safer. The more safely you drive, the more you could save!
How can we help?
Contact us—we are happy to answer any questions or help you access and use your Mills Brokers Client Portal.
Tollfree: 800-953-0999
Phone: 416-489-5570
Email: contactus@millsinsurancebrokers.ca